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How do I write a summary?

The following instructions apply above all to text work. You write a summary by briefly reproducing the content of a text. To do this, write my essay proceed as follows:

  1. Read template

What you want to summarize, you first have to understand the content yourself. This may require you to read a text several times. This is all the more true when you need to look up technical terms or vocabulary.

  1. Highlight key messages

After the first (or repeated) reading, the task is to highlight key statements in the text. You can use identical colors for content-related areas (same topic, same figures) and different colors for different areas. You should be able to distinguish redundant formulations from important ones. This minimizes the risk of underlining complete sentences or even passages.

  1. Divide sensory sections

Now it is a matter of dividing the text into different sensory sections with the help of the markings. To do this, look where you have used the same color. The related sensory sections are now given a heading. With this, you already provide a mini summary of the following passage.

  1. Summarize sections

Then use your headings to form a summary. To do this, you will again be a little more detailed and describe what you have read in your own words. To do this, do my essay you should pay attention to the structure and the rules above. To make the chronological order clear to the reader, you can work with words such as “first”, “after”, “subsequently”, “in-between” and the like.

  1. Check what has been written

In the last step, you should check your summary: Could someone who does not know the original text understand what it is about through your work? If you have answered all of the important W-questions, that should be the case.

When you write a thesis, you are showing that you can deal with a problem scientifically. You provide your scientific contribution by placing your topic in the research context within a given period.

For this purpose, existing work is compared with your work, and differences are identified. The term "student work" is used differently. Can be meant:

  • a research paper in a seminar, often as a seminar or housework referred. Usually, this is preceded by a presentation, so that the term paper is an elaboration or just a more detailed consideration of a previously performed service.
  • a scientific work that is based on a study or project that will now be explained.
  • rarely a scientific thesis to obtain an academic degree such as Bachelor’s or Master.

Depending on the situation, the choice of topic and literature research represent an important and extensive part of the preparation when you are writing a thesis. As part of a seminar or an ongoing project, the topic is often already given by the lecturer and the exact question is known, as it is based on preliminary work.

Regardless of whether you are writing a thesis within a seminar or are thinking about choosing a topic for a thesis: buy essay online You should choose a topic that interests your master is the only way to maintain motivation over the entire processing period.

If you want to think further in the direction of your bachelor's and master's thesis - and this is possible in the respective subject - you can also choose a topic that already serves as an exercise and preparation for your thesis.

Students should then ...

  • start with the literature research - not literature work (!).
  • create a rough outline of the thesis.
  • coordinate with the responsible supervisor or lecturer.
  • Clarify formal framework conditions and requirements.